
They have now joined the ranks of countless children across America. They have seen and touched THE Pony. Millie loved him and thought he was funny. Annika kept hiding behind the cart while saying, "He wying to det me, Mama!" And he was trying to get her. That swaying head had a strange attraction to Annika, and I'd have been scared, too.


  1. Annie seems to be ready to pull Millie back if the danger gets too near! That is one CRAZY pony...the other day I was shopping with Eliz. and I was monkeying with it and about five minutes later, I realized someone was waiting to go through the aisle. So, yeah. I don't know why I just admitted that here.

  2. I had no idea it would be so huge OR so scary. Walmart employees had placed it right near the store's entrance, and there really is no way to avoid a five (or ten or twenty) minute layover when it's featured so prominently. Sly employees...


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