
Do you see this cool nurse on our couch? Michelle's a wonderful person for many reasons, but a prominent aspect of her wonderfulness yesterday was the fact that she roused my tired, lazy bones off the couch with a phone call (at 8:30, I confess). Not only did she come visit after her night shift, but she purposefully dawdled on her way here so that I could stuff things in closets before she arrived, plus she brought fine tea and sugar cookies. Now that's the sort of surprise visitor I would like to be roused by every morning.

She left in the afternoon, and we hauled our sorry selves down to the laundromat much refreshed from her company. She's a gem. (Plus, she fed my lust with travel tales. Tikal is not just a board game on our shelf, folks!)


  1. michelle looks exactly the same! i was her r.a. you know...she was one of my favorite girls. i like seeing her face...and the lovely dresses that the girls make good use of.

  2. Your house really IS cold-there is a snowman right in the living room!

  3. funny you should mention "she left in the afternoon" --i left in the afternoon??!! how did i manage to steal almost all of your day away? as i was driving away, i looked at the clock and almost swerved off the road--1:45?!! now i am a really poor visitor- i invite myself over and stay ALL DAY!! what a disgrace! i must set a timer on my mouth next time! :)

  4. I was so GLAD you were able to stay until the afternoon! Usually, impromptu visits are short and, while enjoyable, they leave me craving a proper visit. Thanks for giving us of your time, your conversation, and your cookies. :) What did we have to do apart from savoring your company, anyway? Laundromatting? Please... I much prefer you to the bleak, old laundromat.

    Hurrah for Michelle!

    (And, Sarah, she does look exactly the same-- except slimmer, healthy nurse that she is-- and is just as kind and just as cool...)

  5. Michelle (and all the other ladies in these photos) looks SO good!!


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