
Today, Tonight, Tomorrow.

First off, a Greek meal waits for you on buildabelly. Pakistani and Italian, to come.

Second off, he's appeared. Lots of you already know this, but those who don't, go visit, and take a house-warming gift with you. (If you don't want to see Tom Waits acting like Tom Waits, just don't watch the video clip.)

Today, while making a cake, I also made a royal mess. The girls did not make a mess of their clothes, even though this picture might make you think so.

It is cold.

My lower jaw causes me great pain both day and night, even with double doses of ibuprofin (and I usually balk at taking medicine of any kind). I've decided that I have.... 1. an abcessed tooth 2. an impacted wisdom tooth 3. bone cancer 4. OR I'm teething.

My roving Heart has been gone since yesterday's lunch. We had a picnic with B.L.T.s (heavy on the B.) and Brownies at the Bus station. He is in Niagara Falls now, by way of Spike's in Buffalo, and is playing Board games. I miss him. Before he left, he gave me a Bedbug for nightime company (true). I'd post a picture of it except it's under my pillow upstairs, and I don't want to wake Susannah by fetching it. He has our phone with him, so he's been emailing us lots of voicemail messages to listen to, and they're nice and make us laugh and shout, "WE LOVE YOU, TOO!", but it's really not the same as having him.

So even with messages and even with Bedbug, I'm lonesome without a gypsy by my side, and I can't wait to drive again to the bus station for a Monday lunch reunion.

It's nearly 12:30. That means now is already tomorrow.
Good night.
Sleep tight.
I'll keep Bedbug, all right.


  1. I hate being away from Matt and I know how you must feel.

    Here is to a swift return.

  2. I'm going to guess that you got one of those weird, translucent, brown thingies that come from popcorn in your tooth...jammed in there real good and he's the one bringing the riot.

    Having missed Jon for 6 years, his absence is an emotion I can tap into as well.

  3. John's back. We're happy.

    And I wish it was only a popcorn remnant. Today I go to the dentist for the first time in 3 years. Blech.

  4. Praying for your dentist trip, Abby. I have never liked those trips either, but I hope not to instill that same dislike/fear in my boys. I have to go to, but have been putting it off.

    Michelle (I have a new blog!)


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