
Van Winkle

She'd better watch out.

All of this benign napping on the couch

may end with a mile-long beard and a legend with her name in the title.


  1. I love that this same crocheted blanket can be found at the beginning of your blog so many years ago.

  2. Okay, now you also win Most Observant Reader Award. (Award hog! I can't believe you remember that!)

    "Cover Free, Ugly Couches with the Only Disguise Big Enough to Hide Them" is an old refrain around these parts, so that blanket has been in use since it was given to us almost ten years ago as a wedding present. The great news is that our free couches are getting more comfortable AND less ugly as time goes on, so one of these days, the afghan might have to find another use.

    As a weird side note, I realized that I've had the polka-dot dress I wore in the mall post for the last FOURTEEN YEARS. Yikes. So much for cutting-edge fashion, huh?

  3. Thanks to Sarah for that brown sheet-- the newest member of the Disguise Team. I sometimes contemplate making a real couch cover, but I figure that we'll probably be given another couch before I actually get off my duff to do that.

  4. you ain't kidding when you say pip is always nekkid.

    I love it. But I wonder how she doesn't freeze off her derriere in winter?!

    PS. And I wonder how I get hate mail out the wazoo for showing a baby bellybutton on my blog. And you get compliments. totally not fair.

  5. She's only nekkid in the winter when she's in the bath or on the potty. But spring's on its way...

    And to answer your p.s.,
    I have a very small readership, most of whom I know in real life. I have a feeling a lot of the women who read and enjoy your blog might hate mine if they ever came across it.

    Good thing they don't know it's here! They'd get more than a bellybutton, and I'd get hate mail.

  6. I only noticed because I crochet and thought to myself, "That is a large blanket to crochet." I'd have it wound around me and a few of my kids by the time I was done; we'd have to cut it up to free ourselves. I will take any and all awards thrown my way. I also hog chocolate and cheese if you must know. My oldest didn't want to go to bed last night because she knew the brownies would be gone when she woke up.

  7. Boy, does that ever sound familiar...

    The girls watch me like hawks whenever there's junk food in the house, and if I rustle ANYTHING in the kitchen, they all come running in like Pavlov's dogs.

    I went to your new blog and caught up a bit, but I didn't see a spot for comments. Your girls are gorgeous, and your oldest looks so much like you!


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