


Before the Boys.

Also, why is it that none of the dresses marketed as "mother of the bride" dresses are ALSO maternity dresses. What a weird culture we live in. I'm starting my own company when all this is done. ;)



Also, this just happened down in VA. If they were smiling any bigger their faces would split in two.  (Yes, I know. They're the cutest things you ever did see.) <3

Until the ring arrived, we knew a wedding would happen at some point, but we had no way of knowing when it would be, and we couldn't begin preparations. For a slew of reasons, I was hoping we'd have until next spring, but I'm afraid there's no way those split-in-two faces are going to wait through an interminable winter. Annika would be happy with feeding 300+ people raw hot dogs on picnic blankets and has said as much, so we don't have to worry about Bridezilla, but finding a venue, ordering dresses that will come in time, budgeting pennies for All the Stuff that comes with pulling off a wedding, and packing up our girl to move 10 hours away during harvest and canning and homeschooling season, all while getting ready to welcome our new baby who will arrive shortly after she moves away seems utterly impossible right now. 

For those of you waiting in the wings with the pat answer, "All things are possible with God," just plan on raw hot dogs and picnic blankets in the cold autumn rain!  (Joking...kind of...not really....but, seriously, you'd better plan for that.)

In the meantime, just scroll back up and look at those faces about to crack in two with the joy of each other.  (Better than raw hot dogs and cold rain!)

*Also, it probably doesn't need to be said, but I didn't take these pictures because I'm not in VA. Photo credit goes to Someone Close By Them.