
Real Time: How to End a Phone Call You'd Rather Not Be Having


I just got a call from a woman who follows up on every baby born in our county. If I'd known it was that sort of call, I would have just ignored it entirely, but I thought it might be the pediatrician's office.

In the course of our brief exchange, both of us politely enduring a boring conversation, she informed me that she was available as a consultant for any parenting or nursing questions I might have about my newborn.

After congratulating me on Mallory's birth, she then (presumably) looked down at the paperwork she had regarding Mallory and muttered, "It says here that....well, THAT can't be right."

I waited in silence, and then she continued with a chuckle, "It says here that she's your 11th live birth."

"Why, yes, it CAN be right!" I replied, grinning.

The rest of the conversation wrapped up pretty quickly.