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Full of Grace said...

Ach, her features are so sweet- She is the reason I love baby girls! :)

Rebecca said...

Do you have an indiviual baptismal outfit for each girl or do you use the same one for all of them?

At a rummage sale last year I bought four or five gowns for $1.00 a piece. They are not new-but how many times do you wear a baptismal gown-usually?!?! They were all in great shape and now I will be set for the next half dozen girls I have. I am not sure exactly what to do about baby Peanut, him being a he and all.

Abigail said...

So far, I have used the same one for Annika and Susannah. (Millie was over a year old when she was baptized.) I bought it at my sister-in-law's garage sale; someone had made it for her youngest girl.

Baby Peanut wouldn't care a whit about wearing a gown, I bet! (It's everyone else who would think it strange.)