
Castle in Ruins

Sarah took us on a walk up a mountainous hill in search of an abandoned castle. We found one, and I want to go back again. One can't help but imagine stories; it demands them.

For scale, Pete's in the doorway and he's 6'4".

I didn't take more than a handful of pictures, because I didn't want Annika to jump off a cliff due to my negligence, but I did take a picture of this bear. But for his desire to protect the bear cub clinging to his back, I think he would have attacked. (Next time, I'm taking mace spray.)

Annie on a windowsill. Don't jump!

Tuzzins on a wall.


Anonymous said...

Whoa . . . that is a waaay cool castle. What is the history behind it?

heidiann(e) said...

that looks like an AMAZING and completely magical place.

and what a handsome bear.

Griffen said...

Hey! That's what I was going to say.

Rebecca said...

Now THAT is the coolest!


Yeah-that is what OUR homestead is going to look like...in its glory. :-)

You are a brave girl to let Annika on that windowsill. I am such a baby about heights. It freaks me out to see Corynn running on a stone wall that holds in about a foot of water. :-)

Abigail said...

I don't know much about it, but I'd like to find out more. Unlike Boldt Castle, the history behind it isn't nearly as romantic as the castle itself. According to a bookstore owner with whom Sarah conversed, a wealthy man built it for his daughter. She was in her early twenties and had always wanted to live in a castle, but the location on which they constructed it was unstable, prone to mudslides, and it was never completed. I'll try to dig up a fuller understanding next time we visit.

I'm not as imprudent a mother as it appears. That particular ledge wasn't much higher than Annika herself would be when standing on the ground beside it, but I still didn't want her to jump. :)

Anonymous said...

how did you feel reading these comments? hahahaaah. no layers or purpose. ciao

Abigail said...
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