

Shocks of color in the flowerbeds, vegetables in nearly every color of the rainbow, sunrises and sunsets as parentheses, our hushed house all wrapped in cricketsong, and, then as now, little incentive to blog about it.

September is blog-easy, and that's a good thing, because, in real life, October is winding down on its spool, and before 2020 ends, I plan to be caught up.

Have at 'em.


Rebecca said...

SO much beauty in this post.

I am so SO impressed with how well you kept up the garden despite the busyness of your summer. You and your slave labor are a WONDER.

Those gardens looked magazine worthy and everybody knows magazine pictures aren't even REAL.

Abigail said...

Be impressed by those little workers! As my help dwindles, my gardens will dwindle in exact proportion, as, I bet, yours will. :)