
Mopsy Update

Thanks so much to those who prayed for Mom. Her surgery went without a hitch, praise the Lord, and the surgeon successfully removed the tumor. When the pathology report comes back, she'll know whether she can get away with six weeks of chemo, or if the course of treatment will be longer and stronger, but for now, we are all grateful and relieved that her surgery went smoothly.

The afternoon of her surgery, she was out puttering around in the flower garden, so it's safe to say she's recovering well. :)

Thank you all!


Molly said...

Praise God for this glorious news! Prayers for continued good health, and good news in moving forward.

Much love!

Rebecca said...

Praise the Lord! SO happy to hear all went well! And that she is able to feel a bit like herself so soon after.

Praying for that path. report to come back shockingly wonderful!

Abigail said...

Thanks, ladies!

Mom's currently on a six-week course of chemo (not systemic but targeted), which is the outcome we were hoping for.