
The Day After: Still Thankful

Thankful for a visit from Pete, Sarah, and the boys.

I title this snapshot, "Dear Grandparents, We Need No Toys for Christmas."

Sarah smiles beautifully while Millie deliberately shakes her head. (She knows it creates blur and is always keen to foil my plans.)

Joel reads Amos and Boris to the girls.

After they played the above game for who knows how many hours, John brought out this one as a nightcap. It was probably about midnight, and I probably enjoyed watching it more than I should have.

Tier auf Tier. Ages 4 and up.

Brothers Luke and Joel daring the monkey.

This one's my favorite, because in between fits of laughter, Pete employed such deadly seriousness. I think this must be the exact expression on his face as he operates on ankles, too. He's stacking a hedgehog! On a hedgehog!

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