
Quickly Now!

Ten points to the first person who can identify this bug without having to look it up in the field guide like I did.

Apparently, they're fairly common, but this is the first one I remember seeing.  (Millie's hand provided free of charge for perspective.)


heidiann(e) said...

Dobson Fly!

Sarah Tate said...

I thought that it was a Caddis Fly, but if Heidi says so, I'm going her way. I've never seen either, except in a book called, "Song of the Water Boatman & other Pond Poems" by Joyce Sidman. We just got it from the library, and apparently caddis fly larvae make their own little case of little bits of stone and leaf. Have you seen these? We have lots of lizards, but ponds are in short supply up here in dry Idyllwild.