
Second Day of Christmas

On Christmas day, Annika took these pictures of me opening the most anticipated gift from Mom Owen. The children had strictly forbidden me from smooshing the wrapping paper for weeks, so I knew it was something they thought I'd love.  They were right.  A NEW BATHROOOOOOOBE!  Ooh, so soft.

I'd been stealing borrowing Millie's bathrobe whenever I could beat her to it, so I thought it was especially funny the next morning when I walked down the stairs to the sight of her making a show of leisurely stretching while wearing MY BRAND NEW BATHROOOOBE (ooh, so soft).

The second day of Christmas was spent playing, playing, and then, in spare moments, playing some more.  I laughed so hard when I came across Zeke and Aidan using their gas pump from Grandma Owen, with Ezekiel's insistent "Tum here, Ai'an!  Tum here, Ai'an!  Me put das in you!" 

As if boys need any help getting their rear portions pumped full of gas...

A few weeks later, the gas pump usage had not improved.

And I mentioned pogo sticks, right?  Was this what you were envisioning for our living room when you bought them, McGamma?!  :)

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