

While canning tomatoes, I picked one off the counter to de-stem, only to discover that the tomato in question was actually...

...a clown nose.


Also appropriate is Skylark's choice of napping location.

Lucinda and a Lark.

Two girls eating nasturtium petals.

New feathers on this Bird.

First day of h'learning 2020!  Outrageous fun! Kind of.

Every time the little girls wanted a snack, I steered them toward the peppers.

Millie made a fancy meal for John's and my honeymoon, and I happily ate it for 3 straight days. Thai red curry at home? Yes, please.

This is the first year some of our sweet corn has cross-pollinated with the field (cow) corn across the road. It was so weird to run into bright orange, tasteless kernels in the middle of a sweet cob. The chickens appreciated the cast-offs, though, so all was not lost.

What a happy year! Tomatoes piled high for a couple of weeks in a row.

We were able to can 100 quarts for the first time in four years, along with as much munching as even John could handle.

This girl ate her fair share, too.


The Hilltop Gang.

Punks. ;)

Annika on her first long drive with the top down. Thanks for the loan, Grandpa! She didn't even scratch it.

1 comment :

Rebecca said...

Well, that's not nice.

Now all I want is a big honkin' tomato to bite into.

And THAT won't happen for many moons.