
We Promised Millie a Hutch

Millie was due to get a new bunny a few weeks ago, and I had promised to build a proper hutch if she'd buy the lumber, so once she pulled through with the funds, I had no choice but to design skilled and highly technical plans for a two-story hutch.

Yes sirree, skilled and highly technical.

The day before the bunny was due to arrive, I conscripted Annika to do most of the labor (she's gonna honestly earn that 1/4 credit in Carpentry this year).  She did a great job, and with Millie pitching in for a few hours late Friday night after Annika fell asleep on the floor next to the hutch (true), we finished it the next day just in time for the new bunny's arrival. 

After holding my breath for two days while we winged just about everything, it turned out better than we'd hoped, with minor flaws but no major ones, and it's sitting in our sunroom waiting for Someone to clean the basement so we can move him downstairs.  We'll weatherproof it in the spring so we can move him outdoors, but for now, he's cozy and blissfully unaware of how spoiled he is. 

So here's a formal introduction to Thimble (Tristan), the handsomest baby bunny we've ever seen.

As you can guess, Millie's got more little people clamoring after him than she'd like.

Millie used their adoration to her benefit and did a mini photo shoot while I was at a doctor's appointment. She'll post all the pictures to her blog soon, but I stole three of my favorites to end this post right.



Rebecca said...

That hutch is amazing. Truly. You and Annie are QUITE the team.

It is so great I think it needs a name.... how about.... Thimble Down? Thimblethwaite Manor?

And the BUNNY! My word- it is so docile and beautiful. In a few of those pictures it appeared to be just a toy!

Abigail said...

You are a whiz at home-naming! We still call our place The Old Homestead, because that's what it's been called by family for decades, but, man, I'm tempted to call OUR house Thimblethwaite Manor now, let alone Tristan's.