


These arrow earrings are the whole reason that Annika got her ears pierced.  Her first time wearing them-- documented.

Having two boys is only eclipsed by having three boys.

Ransom arbitrates.

I haven't taken many pictures in the last year, and my desire to pick up the camera has waned in proportion to Mildred's and other children's increased desire to pick up the camera. (Maybe, just maybe, I'll buy a new camera sometime, and shotsnaps will experience a renaissance.)  Because I use the camera less than everyone else, I had to delete many pictures in order to put up this March post.  I kept a few, though...

Aaaaand, crummy phone pictures....

Another party!

Ha! I'd forgotten about this! Millie's mostly-finished dress for Cadence. Sweetness.


Rebecca said...

I don't know if you meant this to happen or it was pure happenstance, but I really love that the fourth photo is upside down as if Skylark is part bat.

And that dress Millie is making is absolutely precious! Lucky sisters!

Abigail said...

I posted it just as I found it on the camera- upside down. I always find it funny when I come across the upside-down pictures my children take, as it seems like it'd be harder to take one of those than a right-side up!

I think Millie set that dress aside for now because it will fit Cadence better next year. You should see the dress she started from a vintage pattern this week! OH, MY GOODNESS. It's a size 2, and she doesn't know if she'll save it for now or what, but I'm already planning to dress Ransom in it next summer. ;)