
Real Time: The Trouble Continues


This boy's been walking for a few weeks. He joins the likes of Annika and Aidan, those babies who decided to walk before they hit ten months. A & A are already brainwashing him into believing he's a Newbsaniac. I figure I've got a few years still, but-- who knows?-- maybe he'll want an All-in Pass for his 4th birthday.


heidiann(e) said...

My eyes just popped out of my head.

That's some good walking, little guy!

Abigail said...

He is CRAZY.
In a week's time, he turned from a ten-month old baby into an 18-month old toddler and gets into absolutely everything. He's pretty much stopped crawling completely, empties the cupboards of All The Stuffs All The Time, and yesterday, he started climbing onto chairs. I'm definitely not ready for this. My baby...wahhhhhh!

Sarah Tate said...

Wow! I remember a friend coming over and setting their 8 month old’s carrier down and unbuckling the little guy- and he just stood up and walked out on his own power. I’m so impressed, but I feel your pain!

Abigail said...

You get it, yes.
If he weren't still a little snuggle-bug, I'd be despondent.
Thank goodness!

Molly said...

Wow! He's going at a pretty good pace there. This was back in September - is he sprinting now??? What a joy he is!!

Abigail said...

He is nuts. It's strange to have someone WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE A BABY getting into just as much mischief as a two-year old. His mobility allows him to get into all manner of mischief that he'd normally have to wait another few months to enjoy. :)