

Remember Annie's pirate sword? She's fiercely protective of it and hides it in couch crevices, in dresser drawers, and under furniture like she's a squirrel. When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she couldn't think of anything, but after I gave her a minute, she said, "A sword with all sorts of colors on it! Red and green and pink and, etc., etc., etc."

I couldn't find one at the dollar store, so I borrowed some paints from my talented painter-sister Becky and dressed up the blade and hilt of her old sword. I also added a strap, which will soon need replacing.

I think the colors on the blade makes it look like a circus sword.

I also made an eye patch in green, her favorite color, because all pirates need a patch in order to see properly.


Rebecca said...

I hope to see future snapshots of that eyepatch in use. That would be handy for our Panda too. Poor guy has to dress as ballerinas and princesses all the time.

And coupled with that the fact that he sleeps in a PINK room. I am concerned for his wellbeing.

Abigail said...

You could make him a pink eye patch to match! (Just kidding.)

I had to make Annie take off her sword before school this morning. There's nothing like trying to teach phonics to a sad pirate.