
Three Boys Are the Charm

Aidan and Zeke are the best big brothers. In the mornings, Ezekiel will bring Ransom downstairs, change his wet clothes, and change his diaper, chatting to him all the while, and all before I know Ransom is even awake. 

While he doesn't change diapers, Aidan cuddles and coos. Several times a week, I overhear him telling Ransom, "Don't worry, baby. I am here. I will keep you safe."   I also hear him plotting in hushed, clandestine tones, "When I grow up and move away, I'm taking YOU with me, because you're MY baby."


Aidan is a wild, little fire, but the heart hidden within that blaze is pure butter. He adores his brother, and he loves bunnies, too. As the video below reveals, at first he wasn't sure just how much he loved Ransom. Rest assured that now he tells us, "Ransom is better than a million, billion, hunnerd, MILLION, all-the-bunnies!"

(Stay put for the end  of the video, when the chicken conference is announced. Alas, I took no picture.)


heidiann(e) said...

oh my heavens, that was WONDERFUL.
You drive a hard bargain, Ransom! Alright - sold.
Better than a hundred-bundred bunnies.

Abigail said...

Um. I don't mean to embarrass you, but the correct spelling of that number is "hunnerd-bunnerd." (And you hold a four-year degree!)