
Ramp It Up: Hunting Wild Leeks-- May 2021

We gathered leeks a couple of times last spring and harvested some for freezing for the first time ever, due to needing leeks for Piper's birthday party in July. 

Everybody came along for a solid adventure in the Big Woods.

Cadence in the mayapples.

For these Big Woods trips, I usually pack a picnic lunch of sorts. This time, it took the form of a five-pound bag of gummy bears that Grandma Owen had shipped to us. FIVE POUNDS OF GUMMY BEARS! IN THE WOODS! Perfection.

Reading breaks in the Camel Tree-- always.

(taken by Millie)

Tadpole hunting is always a necessity.

Pictures like this are also a Big Woods tradition, only there are more children lined up now than there ever were in the past (lucky us!).

A telling picture-- Susannah in the foreground; Mildred laboring the the background.

And then the buggy walk homeward, through glades and fields.

Only a couple of more months until we do it all over again. (I cannot wait. Spring!)



heidiann(e) said...

This post makes me miss you all SO MUCH!

You are wonderful people, and that is a wonderful setting.


Abigail said...

It's a deep-bone happiness to see my children enjoying the same plots of land I knew so well in childhood.
If only we didn't live so far away....