
Queen Elizabeth Eats Her Heart Out

Children are a wonder-- wellsprings of forgiveness and eager with love. They put me to shame.

On the morning of my 42nd birthday, they ushered me downstairs with barely suppressed excitement, and no wonder!  Behold the path of festivity leading to my royal birthday couch.

Included for munching were the tastiest poisons from those who know and love me.

As if all this weren't enough, a birthday ballet commenced!

A birthday pancake slathered with Nutella is more decadent than it appears.

These people are my favorites (including the ones who shun the lens).  Gifts without measure.


Rebecca said...

Yes! This is so, so true- a perfect title to the post.

What a glorious life of love you lead. You are so clearly adored.

Ps. We have a birthday plate too! It doesn't say Happy Birthday but it is extra fancy compared to plain white Corelle. I like that someone else has a tradition like that. Who knew?!

Abigail said...

There was a whole stack of those birthday plates at a rummage sale once, and I stuffed two of them in a bag, thinking we'd have a backup. It's been years, though, without the first one breaking! (And now I probably jinxed it.)

I am wholly grateful for my dear, forgiving family.
God is good.