

Here's the gorgeous quilt Mopsy made for Marnie-- Marnie's Mansions.

Its beauty was enhanced by the intricate quilting that a friend of hers added.

A true heirloom for a sweet, little girlie.

In April, John, Ransom, and I were in NYC for just enough time to pick up GINGERBREAD ALLIGATORS for the first time in TEN YEARS. Well worth the trip for that alone! It looks like we bought a million, but we actually only bought five, and they had to share. (Gingerbread alligators are gold-plated.)

I don't think there was any reason for this party, apart from Ezekiel's fondness for Fancy Occasions with Fancy Dress. He made miniature apple pies and tea for two. I'm a lucky girl!



Rebecca said...

This is just my favorite. Oh, the sweetness. What a precious moment.

Abigail said...

He has the tenderest heart.

Abigail said...

(And he knows no limits when it comes to doilies.)