
Seeking Sugar

...and finding it!

Pippin found his basket first.

followed by Tadhg investigating the tires.

It was so much fun to watch the boys this year. Tadhg, especially, has caught right on, and they're a delight to observe.

Lark! Look in the bucket!

When I went out to hide Cadence's basket, I heard a muffled giggle, and there she was, CHEATING by looking through the bathroom window. 

I made sure someone oversaw her stint of waiting, and then she was off. 

The big people played volleyball while the little people hunted. 

Jess was quite attentive to Aidan, as she always is, but more so because she knew big things were at stake.

HURRAH! Success. 

Zeke found his in a flash.

Luci flitted about in the cold wind like a misplaced butterfly.

I cheated by hiding her basket in the same location as Zeke's. I grow old; I grow old.

Pippi was next!

Susannah must have been freezing. My body temperature decreased by 5 degrees just looking at her. 

And then my camera froze and wouldn't even take a picture of her with her basket. This is it.

As you can tell, both daylight and my desire to be outside hiding baskets and taking snapshots were waning. 

Annika. In a tree. Like usual. Of course.

And then Mildred on the hunt in near total darkness, carting little monkeys around the yard on her back.

I hid it under scrap lumber in the burn pile. What a meanie!

It was a long day, a full day, a good day. 
The End.

Bonus picture! Haven and August came up the next day for games in the sunshine!
The End.
For Real This Time.

Except for this note we found on our dry erase board when all was said and done.




Rebecca said...

You know what has just occurred to me this year? I've always known Annie's basket always winds up in a tree....but it only just occurred to me now that you HAD TO PUT IT UP THERE! Same with roofs, etc. It's like an Absanity course in your backyard.

That takes the devotion of hiding a dozenish baskets to a whole new level.

ALSO: Is that photo of Annie bombed out on the couch for reals or was she just teasing? If she actually fell asleep in that position I love her even more.

Nanno said...

Just now catching up with your blog and I gotta say... that Jesus sign is hilarious!!! Reminds me way too much of the song I made up for Tim when we were kids:

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Pink and purple, green and blue
He loves everyone but you
Jesus loves the little children of the world!

Abigail said...

Actually, in recent years, Rundy's done it a couple of times, Luke another, and this year, MILLIE did it for me! I am currently too ponderous to easily climb trees, sigh. At least people have pity on me...

It's WAY too easy for me to imagine you doing that. No wonder Tim turned out like he did!!! ;)

Abigail said...

And, Rebecca, the photo was not staged. She fell asleep with Easter grass all over, and it was pretty great. (And I asked her permission before posting it, too. She's a good sport.)