
Phone Leftovers

I took my phone to weekly worship when Newmans were hosting, and I took a picture of these matching girlies in their ball gowns.

But when we left, my phone got left behind.

When I got it from Rebecca a few days later, I discovered some bonus photos from Warren Center denizens...

AND THEY COMPLETELY DESERVE TO HAVE THESE POSTED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION. I FEEL NO GUILT. (Well, maybe a little guilt...but you DID leave them on my phone!)

In January, Mildred passed her driver's test!

And I passed the You've Lost All Self-Respect fashion test.
At least I'm succeeding in one area of my life.



Rebecca said...


That last quip and photo just totally made my day.

Deborah Purdy said...


Abigail said...

You're welcome.
I dress to serve the people.

heidiann(e) said...

I am also here to say I burst out in a loud snort of laughter at your photo.

Abigail said...

Yeah, one of the girls took that picture right after I came inside from driving somewhere. I'm pretty sure it was just down to Mopsy's, but even so, nothing but high fashion for me. :)