

Sigh. I have three months to slap on here until I reach the present. I figured you'd all appreciate a conciliatory gif from December.


Oh. And a current picture of the cutest bald man around these parts. I'd rather have him than a caught-up blog any day of the week.


Molly said...

What a great picture! It made me laugh and Mr. Ransom seems unfazed by it all. I love those gifs you post!! Ransom is the most adorable "baldy" I've ever seen. His smile lights up a room. He already shows a lot of personality at his young age. May he ALWAYS shine with joy.

Much love!

heidiann(e) said...

All so wonderful.

Abigail said...

Thanks, Molly! So glad you Texans have power again! Not just so I get blog comments, either. ;)

Yes, ma'am, indeed!

Rebecca said...

I just finished having company over- the mad morning rush of cleaning and cooking is over, the visiting is done and the post-company rush of cleaning again and supper seemed a bit too much for me so I found that you had blogged and enjoyed a leisurely visit with (albeit unbeknownst to) you. So thank you for that!

Look forward to a real visit on Sunday, Lord willing!