
Saturday Night: Home Sweet Meatball

We were exhausted when we arrived home. The little children had stayed up past bedtime to meet their new brother and to find out his name, of which they were ignorant because John and I had enjoyed their consternation too much to relent over the phone, so that was the first order of business. 

I don't know who took that accidental video, but, no, Piper, we did not name him Alden.

When we walked in the door, everyone rushed to the baby and stayed there until bedtime.

This video makes me happy. So much love.

And what about that home sweet meatball??  On the way home, I told John I was craving meatball subs, a meal I've eaten only twice in my entire life. He chuckled and asked me if I knew what was waiting for us at home. Nope! Unknown to me, Chef Evan had delivered enough scrumptious meatballs and homemade rolls for an army, and I still can't figure out how he knew what I wanted before I even knew what I wanted.

Meeeeeatball suuuuuuubs. I ate them for three straight meals.
Thank you, Evan. Barring dementia, that's a supper I'll remember for the rest of my life.



Rebecca said...

That is amazing. The Lord knew what you needed and gave you an Evan angel.

Abigail said...


I want a meatball sub right now.

heidiann(e) said...

That video is wonderful - swarming love all around him.
What a joy to all.