
Saturday Morning: He Saw the Sun

Here's the lone picture of me and baby from the hospital. I'll take it, blurry and all.

And the handsome Papa...

I also thought it was a good idea to film his hiccoughs. 


Rebecca said...

Sunbeam in a sunbeam! So sweet.

That hospital picture of you and the baby is the best. When Corynn showed me it that first day I said "Oh, she is so glowing!"

Also- that video was a Very.Good.Idea. sweetness.

Abigail said...

It IS the best, but only because I look like a smug cat who just swallowed a mouse.

For the record, I have not yet eaten Ransom (just nibbled a bit).

heidiann(e) said...

SO much love in these pictures!

Nibble away, proud mama! I'd do the same.

Those hiccups are the cutest thing on the internet to date. He's like a perfect little squeaky-toy. Who taught him to be so cute?