
A Crafty Company

The three oldest girls were in a craft fair with two talented friends of theirs, and they frantically made and painted things for a few days leading up to Thanksgiving. They didn't sell much of it, but judging from the pictures I found on my camera, they had fun, anyway.

The barn in which the craft fair was held is even prettier in real life, if you can believe it. The floors are nicer than the floors in our house!

 And here are the stars of the selfie show.
(Cutie pies. It's my blog, so I can call them cutie pies even if they roll their eyes when they read this.)

Later that night, they exchanged hairs. 



Millie said...

Oh drat. Now everyone will know what fun we have at sleepovers, and we'll never have peace again. They are all going to want to come with us...Oh well.

Rebecca said...

The exchanging hairs pictures....


Abigail said...

The secret's out! Think how much hair you can try on, though.

I don't know why the Lady of the House allowed such shenanigans! Ahem. (Hopefully, they didn't keep you and Matt awake for too long.)