
Best Trees in the Little Woods

Or, The Post in Which Mildred and Annika Hijack Their Mother's Blog.

So, one of Annika's friends and she agreed to take pictures of a few of their favorite climbing trees to determine whose were taller. She conned Millie into traipsing about our little woods to take the pictures for her, and over 100 pictures on my camera were the result. 

Annika (and Susannah) in her favorite evergreen.

Tiny Annika (and Susannah) in her favorite evergreen.

Random pictures of the last colors in our woods. Thank goodness for beeches and oaks!

We are all sad at the loss of this giant oak. After we moved into the Old Homestead, Mom told me that Great-Uncle Bill and Great-Aunt Mae, both of whom were born and raised in this house and both of whom are now in Heaven, walked out to the woods with Uncle Ron. They linked arms and couldn't stretch around the girth of this beautiful tree.  All things pass.

Two weeks after the initial split, the other side split off, leaving a tall shard in the center.

The only positive is that the children have a new playground.

If Annika had gotten a picture before the tree fell, she would have won the Tallest Tree prize, for sure.

This tree's not even close to the tallest! I think this climb was for pleasure and not for business.

When one leaves the beech grove and enters the pasture, the typical early November view dominates.

And Ye Olde Other Oak.

An interlude of deja vu to show that Annika employed the same technique 13 years prior:

Lastly, one on the lawn.

Millie rounded out the snapshots with a few images of departing geese.

And after posting this slew of photos, I still don't even know who won the tallest climbing tree contest.


Making Cents Of It All said...

Great job ladies. I think it was a tie

Rebecca said...

What a monkey!

That picture of a baby monkey climbing a tree- she is so sweet and teensy!

I just did graduation pictures for a girl a few weeks back and beforehand, did a bit of scouring the internets to get pose ideas for graduation shots, many of which were all about being gorgeous. (Playing with hair, laying flat.) Stupid stuff.

When I saw that picture of Annie smiling down in the tree (on the pleasure climb- 11th or 12th from the bottom) I thought- now THAT would be an awesome graduation picture!

Also- that oak WAS mighty! WoW!

Abigail said...

Maybe combine the two? A lovely shot of a girl playing with her hair, with poochy lips, while shimmying up a tree. Best of all worlds!