
December 2021


Q: Why do I dedicate time to writing posts from nearly 12 months ago?
A: Because the children and I love to read through this online memory chest, and the earth spins so fast. 

Our lives have changed a lot in the past year, especially as our older girls have matured and become (even more) independent-- not quite sea changes, but yet enough change for me to feel the need to mark these months that are now being layered over with new memories and a fresh turn 'round the sun.

My goal is to finish tacking up all the memories from 2022 before the curtain closes on December 31st, and to do that, I need to finish up 2021. Fresh Year! Fresh Start! And all that jazz.

I have a wagonload of goals and only a pocket in which to store them, though, so we'll see.
C'est la vie.


Rebecca said...

Actually, I think you have stumbled on a great thing here. I was just thinking how I seem to mostly post the previous seasons photos into the next season...and so my blog is totally out of whack. But if I just postpone photo dumps a little longer- a solid year- my blog will be all timely and festive and no one will be the wiser.

Abigail said...

I would not recommend this, though it may seem attractive on the surface. The incentive to blog things from A YEAR AGO is nearly non-existent, and I'm not letting myself blog things I actually want to blog because they're too current. Ha! I'm a terrible blogger, even after all these years.