
Tea Parties Are Not Seasonal

...but they do seem cozier and sometimes even fancier in the winter. Aidan and Cadence set up this private tea party all by themselves.

Aidan wanted me to take a picture of his stuffed animals nursing their babies-- Fox (with baby Foxie-Woxie) and Goldenrod (with baby Goldie)

Lark's choice of footwear and her ability to not break an ankle coming downstairs impressed me.

And here is the rival tea party in the dining room. It's like a Western saloon showdown, only more genteel, in which you just try to out-fancy and out-drink one another instead of trying to out-shoot and....out-drink one another.

I'm not sure who emerged the winner.



Molly said...

I pray these parties follow them into adulthood! What a fun tradition to have with siblings. Love the candles, flowers and dress-up. ❤️

Much love!

Abigail said...

Spontaneous tea parties several times a week is certainly a tradition I hope spills over (har, har) into succeeding generations. It requires minimal effort (none on my part these days) and adds sparkle to gray winter days.