
Mopsy Turns 75!


In mid-January, we had a surprise 75th birthday party for the Mopsy, under the guise of a luncheon of leftover soup with Becky and her girls who were visiting. (Mom can never pass up an opportunity to eat leftovers.)  Andy and Co., Luke & Jae Ryong, and Joel couldn't be there in the flesh, so they joined us via video call on a couple of cell phones. What a strange and wonderful age!  The rest (all forty-one of us!) crouched and crammed into the sunroom for her grand entry.

No leftover soup greeted her when she came in the door, so, yes, we surprised her.

Jessie was the first to greet and give a hug.

And then the missing sons (and daughters-in-law) said hello via the magic of this age.

Alas, we had no leftover soup, but instead feasted on mounds of marinated chicken that Pete and Sarah generously purchased from a local caterer (Phil's Chicken House with their world-famous dreamy chicken), coupled with lots of side dishes and desserts we all contributed.  And cake. There must be cake.  And a grandson trying his darnedest to intimidate me. It didn't work, August! So there!

After eating, we all settled in the living room for her to open her gifts, with youngest children front and center, and the distant children still present via video call.


We are all brim-full thankful for this tough little lady, whom we have so often taken for granted, though less so these days-- a strong woman of strong faith, a godly example to both her sons and her daughters, and a mother who continues to pray zealously and give selflessly to her children, grandchildren, and those whom God places around her. God grant you His joy, Mopsy, in each new day. We love you!

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