
July 2022 Phrom the Phone


Not counting this first photo of beautiful chums, I found FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE PHOTOS on my phone for the month, and I only counted them after I had deleted a great number. I kid you not. 

"How on earth could this happen?" you ask.

It's very simple, really. You see, there were a couple of hundred, nearly identical pictures of the main perpetrator arrogantly left on my phone as evidence.

It appears she preferred to act alone, capturing useful (and IDENTICAL and PLENTIFUL) pictures of herself and her limbs and of the coffee table and of heaps of laundry waiting to be folded.  Just imagine each of of these photos replicated 20 or 30 times, and you'll understand what I now have to delete from my phone.

Occasionally, however, she roped in an accomplice.

The remaining pictures are slim. 

Here's the birthday feast Millie made for John's birthday while he and I were gone for part of the day. During our year of John not having consistent full-time work, how on earth did we put forth a spread like this? Our family's first time having babyback ribs was all thanks to our friend Tom, who gave us two enormous packages. It was a feast that we will talk about for the rest of our lives. Ribs enough for a small country!

In July, Ransom ate tomatoes like a boss.

The little girls made me a fancy snack.

Piper and I matched for church.

And Ransom posed like a supermodel.

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