
Kids These Days: Real Time

 I was just cutting Aidan's hair in the bathroom, and through the closed door I heard young voices raised in song. While they sang, I stepped out to listen.

These are the same friends (plus a few good eggs who aren't here right now) who watched me stumble upstairs at one in the morning on New Year's Day and then spent their time selflessly clearing up the food from our New Year's Eve revels, washing dirty dishes, and even mopping the filthy kitchen floor (one sweet young woman on her hands and knees with a rag because our mop was broken). I woke early, bolstering myself to roll up my sleeves and get to work before we left for church and found things like this:

When you're tempted, if you ever are, to dismiss the younger generation or to despair over their state, keep young adults like this in mind and take heart! It's more common than not for the girls' friends to offer help unasked (and, when I'm stupid and stubborn, to quietly help anyway, a la Evan and Co.). God is strengthening kind, generous, thoughtful, and intelligent young people for His good work all over the globe. Many of them we don't know and will never meet. Some, however, we're blessed enough to meet on their knees, cheerfully mopping our kitchens and then graciously holding their own in conversation the next morning as if they weren't up half the night.

They make me want to live more earnestly and faithfully--  Hope in human form.

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