
Jim Thorpe with the Dagi


I stole these from Millie's camera because I have so few on mine. Lest you worry that shotsnaps is turning into a rotating wheel of all the photoshoots the girls have with their friends, let it be known that I've finally earned enough money to replace my broken camera! I haven't found the deal I need quite yet, but when I do, you'll get the old shotsnaps treatment again-- redundant pictures of the seasons, my grubby children reading books on the couch, and occasional stacks of dirty dishes.  If I someday again find an outfit I love, I'll try to resurrect the good ol' Frugal Fancy-Pants, too. It's been a while.

In the meantime, have yourselves another photoshoot! This one features lovely Olivia (hi, Olivia!) & Heidi, and even a few pictures of the Mildred Herself.


Rebecca said...

I just wonder what we will fill our blog up with when we have the time to blog but nobody to blog about. ;-)

All the pretty girls... glad for the goofy faces every now and again, to offset the beauty that shouldn't be. I mean, geesh, aren't they all still in eighth grade?

Olivia Dages said...

Hi. Also Thank you for this, Millie never sent me these XD

Abigail said...

Sob. Thanks for nothin'. (Sob, sob, sob.)

You're welcome! There are more, too, that I didn't post. Millie needs to re-start her blog...