
September Photos Phrom My Phone, Taken By All and Sundry

(One of my mother's friends texted me this one while Mopsy was gone at a quilting retreat, and I thought it needed to be immortalized on shotsnaps.)

Some warmth for winter!

I took these picture for Roberta and then forgot to send them to her. Poor Ransom-- all conked out and covered in radioactive cheese dust after a long day of partying at the Parseghian's estate.

Oooooh. Watch out. The older girls went to a friend's wedding in September, and while they were gone, I let the younger girls take pictures to send to them. John was also gone at Mancation for the better part of a week, and Skylark made a deal with him to exchange pictures over the phone while he was away.

Here we go again.

When she makes faces like this, this nut-brown, dark-eyed, Owen child is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT MINE.  John probably got confused and thought that I was sending him selfies.

More we sent to Papa....

I think we sent this one to Corynn while she was in VA. Do I remember why? Nope.



Corynn said...

Many thanks for your posts! I read them all during lunch break at work and they make me happy. Now back to making coffee!! ♡

Abigail said...

Is this a-- comment-- which I see before me, the words toward my mind? Come, let me read thee over and over again.I wrote thee not, and yet I see thee still!

(With apologies to my buddy Macbeth for mangling his dramatic soliloquy.)

Look, it's a comment I did not write from myself to myself! Happiest of mornings!
Thanks, sweetie! Now go grab yourself a bacon-stuffed sandwich. 😘💚