
October 2022

October of 2022 was sublime. It was the most peerless fall since Dad died, and then it lingered long, giving us a gentle transition to winter. Mopsy and I caught ourselves remarking that Dad would have loved it, even though we know the sights that now fill his eyes are incomparable.

In October, John and I marked 21 years of marriage by going to a Joe Pera show; all month long, we plucked and canned garden harvest; I tried to begin h'learning with seven students, three of whom cannot work independently on anything yet, and realized anew just how hard it is to get a single extra thing done on days that I'm teaching the children as I ought; and days spilled over with light and color, even as the daylight waned. Looking back, I remember little else. 

*Piper and Susannah took a couple of pictures in this opening post. I don't care enough to figure out which ones, though.


Elisabeth St John said...

Y'all live in such a pretty place. I grew up in the country and miss it now.

Abigail said...

I think it's lovely, too! And maybe you'll make it back to the country someday! The first 8 years of marriage, John and I spent hopping around, with apartments mostly in town, before we settled here on the hilltop. :)

Rebecca said...

Did you wax those leaves? We waxed leaves this fall too! It was a beautiful fall.

I hope that if you scroll back through just this particular post, you will note all the h'learning that you are providing for your children on a daily basis that I am quite sure you don't count. It's an extraordinary education that you are providing for your children. Truly, you are immersing them in learning their whole lives long. You are positively saturating them.

And that's a beautiful thing.

Abigail said...

That's really encouraging, Rebecca, especially considering the last couple of weeks (yikes). And, yes, we waxed them! Susannah, Piper, and Luci did most of them.