
Lephtovers Phrom the Phone

Now there's a boy after my own heart. He just appeared downstairs like this one day.

Here's a strange snapshot of Millie blocking some newly made mantillas, the world's best bathrobe, and weird socks on a weird person.

Is it any wonder that Cadence begins to cry if anyone mentions the possibility of Millie moving to her own apartment far, far away?

Well, Heidi D., here's my public confession that I wore your dress out and about before you did. It was an accident, though! I was running late for a doctor's appointment for Ransom, ran into Millie's room to steal an outfit, and saw this dress on her bed. It was only after I sent her this taunting picture while she was at work that she told me it wasn't even her dress, but only one she was going to hem for you.

I'm sorry. Also, I received a compliment on the dress, a compliment that rightfully belongs to you.

He loves beautiful homemade bread nearly as much as his mama does.

Lark plays card games with the papa.

Baby in a bowl! 

Just look at this longsuffering Pippi. She took her hair out, I exclaimed over her beauty, and then I immediately made her stand still so I could snap a picture. What a gorgeous Nut Berry. 

I didn't take this picture, but someone did.



Heidi said...

I laughed pretty hard when I saw that, I'm honored you liked the dress😂

Abigail said...

You've got good taste. :)