
September 2021

*photo by Susannah


September was marked by busy hands, the search for rest, and the generous vivacity of children. 

Summer falls away so slowly sometimes that I forget it's not eternal, but then one night, the steady nightsong of crickets sounds urgent, and one morning drowsy children come downstairs toting blankets. Mugs of tea appear, and, suddenly, fall arrives. September holds these and all the spaces in between.


Rebecca said...

oh my. Lovely photo of Cadence. Well done, Susie! It's a doozy!

Also- I never tire of photos of children, basked in window light, reading books.

Also- Skylark stole my mug! ;-)

Abigail said...

Mary gives the best gift bags! I'm actually hoping I put that mug in the basement with the Christmas mugs and that it's not missing because we broke it. It was my favorite morning mug, but it's been missing for months. (Maybe I'll just lift yours.)