
A Terrible Demise

I think Millie must have taken these pictures. We may have forgotten to water the tree due to illness, and since I wanted to leave it up until after our Not-Epiphany Party, this is what happened when we finally stripped the poor thing. We really stripped it. There were about a dozen needles left on it by the time it reached the outdoors.

And we had major cleanup.

The younger children gathered seven gallon-size bags from the floor to save for later (for their own secret and subversive purpose), and we threw the rest outside.


Rebecca said...

That happens to us often- I think because of the wood heat in the house- and every year I am SO thankful for wood floors.

When I saw these pictures, I kept saying "Ah! And they have CARPETS!" You'll be finding needles until next year!

Abigail said...

You got it. :)

Plus, we clogged our vacuum hose several times before the worst of it was over.