

I had a small space in between the flu and sphenoiditis in which I actually finished a bathmat. Yes, this is big news! This past summer, John's mom bought some bathmats and fabric for me to decorate bathmats for the new house. Did I make them for Mother's Day? No. Did I make them for her 70th birthday? No. Did I make them as a Thank You for All the Amazing Things You've Done gift? No.


I did make them before a year had passed, so that's something. :)

As long as I was decorating bathmats, I threw in a couple of potholders for good measure.

Since Sarah and Bryan were going to be in town for Christmas, I had grand plans to make her something, too. I asked her if she'd want a decorated bathmat or perhaps a doodle. She responded, "A doodle, if you have time!" What I asked what she'd want me to doodle, she asked for a family portrait doodle, based on a family picture.

So, I ignored her and made a bathmat.

Just kidding. I made a paint-a-doodle, too. (While making it, I realized it's been almost seven years since I last made one of these little portrait doodles and almost TWELVE years since I doodled a little one of our family....only six children ago. Ulp.)

I took a few liberties. ;)

Look for another doodle a mere seven years from now! And now I can check three Christmas gifts off my list with, oh, about twenty still to go. No big deal.


Rebecca said...

You are an EXCELLENT Maker!

The doodle is particularly amazing because I just don't understand how, in just a few lines, you can so capture the true likeness of a person. It's remarkable.

PS. It is HIGH time you updated your own family doodle. Just sayin'

Abigail said...

What's truly remarkable is the amount of time it takes me to get started on those few lines!

I used to always procrastinate from a new family doodle because I figured that it'd be outdated too soon. Since it looks like we may have reached the end of the line, now's the time! And if I draw Skylark as a five year-old, that'll buy me a few more years before a new one is due. (Like buying a size 10 coat for a toddler and having them wear it for 8 straight years, there's a chance it could work.)

Rebecca said...

I wouldn't count your scribbles before they're scratched...

as soon as you start, you'll be announcing a new Owen!

What appears to US to be true, is not always true. I can promise nothing...but I do know that whenever I consign myself to something because it 'appears' to make sense...it usually works out quite differently.

Still, make that doodle! If outdated, it would DELIGHTFULLY so!

Abigail said...

Doubt anyone but you and I will see this, so...

Someone should hire you. ;)

Justin said...

Well, anybody who's RSS feeder picks up comments will see it ;P

I guess Rebecca just has magical foresight f

Abigail said...

