
One Twelfth of a New Year

The benefit of everyone getting the flu the first week of January is that I have fewer snapshots to post. Add to that the fact that on the heels of the flu I got a nasty infection that kept me from sleeping for 2 and a half weeks, and we've got the easiest monthly posting yet. For February, though, I'm looking forward to increased health and returning to some measure of routine (which may or may not involve snapshots).

Here, short and sweet, are all that limped their way to the camera in the month of January.


Rebecca said...

Perhaps if you CLOTHED your children in winter....


Abigail said...

In my defense, Skylark is a skilled de-rober. It takes only a matter of minutes before she's back to her preferred mode of undress. I've given up. :)

Mary said...

Martha used to do the same thing. Thankfully she grew out of it :)