
Birthday Boy Blue

Because the memory card on which Zeke's 8th birthday celebration is likely lost for good, here's a birthday post featuring, instead of his strawberry rhubarb pie and apple pie burritos, his loose front tooth.

This boy is still sweet and sensitive, and he's still obsessed with building and all things motoring.

The most amazing birthday gift he has probably ever received in his life was this year's gift from Grandpa Owen. He gave Zeke a new battery for this old, bladeless mower, which turned Zeke into an Immediate Driver 8 years before his official time.

He thinks he's a man now.

But even men need to continue learning to articulate their phonetic blends!

Oh, yeah. That loose tooth?  He lost it a couple of weeks later.

Big man, indeed.  Happy birthday, my boy! We love you more than you love that mower (which is a LOT)!


Rebecca said...

Here's to another year, Zekey boy! Provided you don't drive too fast on that mower! ;-)

Abigail said...

Ha! After months of happy use, the mower is currently down for the count and out of commission. That should buy him a few more good months until we see if it can be fixed.