
Garlic or Bust

We had a bumper crop of garlic this year, the bumpery-est we may ever have. I planted about 475 cloves, and we reaped just about that many heads, with very few weeds thanks to the thick layer of leaf mulch we laid down after planting last fall.

I was most impressed by their prodigious size. Out of nearly 500 heads, only a handful weren't suitable for seed garlic. 

Ezekiel asked me to take his picture by the garlic. Get ready for a strong-breathed winter. Next year, we'll probably have a more normal haul, but for now, we're enjoying the sight of so much goodness.


Rebecca said...

MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm--- I can taste it all from here!

Abigail said...

...don't you mean SMELL? We're enjoying our meals a little too much over on this hill.