
Aidan is Nine!


Our Little Fire full of fire added another candle this year!

We had weekend company again (I don't know what it is with boys wanting to travel hundreds of miles to visit our daughters for a few days), but we were still able to celebrate him properly on the day itself, and by "properly," I mean with sausage, hard-boiled eggs, waffles, berry sauce, whipped cream, syrup, cinnamon sugar, and NERDS for breakfast. (Akk. He couldn't finish it because he felt sick. At least he's smart enough not to plow through, anyway.)

We had meatball subs and roasted brussels sprouts for supper (His request! Can you believe it?!), followed by ice cream sundaes sans bananas (also his request, which is definitely believable).

A brief interlude of Tadhg instead of the birthday boy, because he was so adorable. We bought Cherry Sprite for the first time, and Tadhg was very excited to try it. One sip in, and he had declared it the yummiest soda he'd ever had in his whole life.  Go Red 40!

I usually have the birthday child make their sundae and then plop candles in it, and then the ice cream melts while we sing. This time, I realized I could just put the candles inside the ice cream cartons, and that's the way we're doing it from here on out.

Oh, Aidan. Nothing beats a birthday boy full of delight on his big day.

We love you bunches, little stinker. I'm so glad you're ours!  

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