
Piper Joy Turned Fifteen!


...in spite of the day disintegrating into a hot mess shortly after this birthday breakfast. 

Poor Pippi. This year her June 1st birthday was sandwiched in between two sets of weekend company, fell 3 days after Aidan's birthday on a day that was packed to the gills with extra garden and household tasks, all while the 3 older girls were gone at work.

I managed (barely) to get her birthday supper on the table by 7 o'clock, and that only because she, Luci, and birthday guests helped finish it up.

She's a sweetheart, though, and was such a good sport about it all. To offset my guilt, she and Luci at least got to enjoy a 2-hour birthday walk and adventure in the woods while I did dishes and worked on supper, but her cake-- that fancy birthday cake she requested?  Weeeeeell, we can't have everything we want all of the time.

The cake was the worst cake, bar none, I've ever made in my life. The taste wasn't bad, but the frosting kept clogging the tubes, so I couldn't even give it the simple decoration she requested, and then halfway through serving it, it plopped over on the table, too weary to make the pretense of being a proper birthday cake for more than a few minutes.

I plan to make her a second birthday cake in a couple of weeks when life slows down, to honor this cheerful, competent, talented, love-bug girl who deserves a Fancy Cake of her own.

We love you, Pip, even though this cake doesn't show much love!

(And this is the last of the pre-Abigail-Has-a-Working-Camera-Again snapshots! From here on out, it's Fancy Camera Land.)

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