


I can hardly believe it, but for the first time in recent memory, my blog is nearly up to date. I guess having a broken camera comes in handy when one has a blog backlog, because the longer I went without a camera of my own, the less inclined I was to go through the bother of borrowing someone else's to take pictures. So here's May-- a few handfuls of snapshots I can easily post before my day begins in earnest.

Andy and Wendy and all the Johnsons left for Alaska, and this short visit was tinged for the first time with the knowledge that they will not be moving back, though the opposite has been our expectation for the last decade. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but hope denied is harder yet. Maybe someday I will learn this lesson gracefully. 

Color rioted everywhere in May, lilac lingered long, and the air hung heavy with sweetness. Spring is a strange time to be sad, but everything grows, anyway, quietly speaking the truth that new life always comes.

1 comment :

Abigail said...

I just checked. It's been nearly three years since I've been caught up on my blog,and I had no idea.

Bully for me!