
January 2023

Well, I'm finally in the the correct year, and posting snapshots from January will be a breeze-- boring, but a breeze. I compiled all the pictures from my children's cameras, and this is what you get.

We celebrated our yearly Epiphany party, in which we (Millie) make a Bûche De Noël and invite friends over to eat up all the leftover Christmas goodies, had a small birthday celebration for our favorite Mopsy, who turned 76 mid-month, and attempted a creaky return to a semblance of home learning after too much time away. 

Happy 2023, all!!! 
(Five months belated is, after all, better than never, right?)


Rebecca said...

I really love that one of you on the couch with the Littlers doing school. I recently came across a picture of me reading at the table with all the children at dinner (Matt was out of town). It was just a moment, like a million other of the same moments, but the snapshot really touched me.

You are gonna look back on this one and be touched.

(Skylark's art is THE BEST!)

Rebecca said...

And the boys holding hands? SO SWEET.

Abigail said...

What do mean, I'm GOING to be touched by that picture? I'm already crying over it! ;)