
Just Like the Good Ol' Days

John is the master of spontaneity and surprise, though this day-trip was less spontaneity and more surprise. For a couple of months, he has had CMoG penned on his calendar, and when I first saw it, I mused, "Chocolate Museum of.....OH!!!!"  

And that's when I knew that we'd all be going to the Corning Museum of Glass again. Our only other visit occurred nearly a decade ago, and I'd always hoped to go again now that everyone's older, but the current admission price for a family of 12 is prohibitive. Good thing John's a librarian now! He knows all the tricks of the local libraries, including which ones have free passes to various local museums that a family (yes, even a family of 12!) can borrow using a library card.

And, that, my friends, is the happy tale of how we ended up here.

I used Millie's camera right at the beginning to take pictures in the modern art section, but by the time we got to 1800's and waaay before (ancient Egyptian art, glasswork from the time of Christ, etc.), I had asked someone else to lug the camera around for me. 

What a baby.

Annika saw this sculpture, started laughing, and said that if she was a glass artist, this is probably the best she could do.

 When we got to the hands-on exhibits, I still had the camera.

Last time it was Annika fixating on this periscope to the city outside.

But this time she was the one laughing by the spy camera.

I tried to get a picture of this lovely milk glass. It had colors within just like an opal.

I completely petered out by the time we got to the historical glass art section. On our way there, I took a picture of a glass slipper for Cadence.

And I took this picture of Lark, smugly perched next to this glass umbrella, the goal of the museum's scavenger hunt.

This is the best family portrait I managed to get.

Before we drove away from Corning, John left the van with Aidan on a top-secret mission. When I saw a bag on the floor that John had packed with garlic and red pepper, though, I figured it out. Accompaniment for a pizza picnic! That man impresses me.  (And I love him.)


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