
Just Because I Can

We had a full and busy weekend with lots of good people in the house (including those crazy boys who drive 10 hours to see our beautiful daughters). I, of course, did not unpack my new camera even once while everyone was here. 

That's the way it goes.

I do, however, have the first fruits of the shiny thing. I took a couple of pictures from the couch as soon as  I lifted it out of the box, a few more the day that company was due to arrive, and then a few more today after everyone left.

All of which means, in case you hadn't noticed, that this is practically a REAL-TIME post!

The day that company was due to arrive, this was the scene in the living room.  Akkk!

But, still, this book has captivated me since childhood, and I'm pretty pleased to have an Andrew Henry in the making, even if it entails spilled salt all over the living room rug.  (In case any of this looks familiar, yes, Zeke has watched a couple of these videos.)

Today, after everyone left, we had a gaming party with John dominating most of them. (Millie was actually not at all grumpy here. The camera lies!)

Off in the corner, Ransom read an exhausted Nixie to sleep.

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